Operating Instructions

Model 103 Tag Line Operating Instructions

solinst tag line laser marked pvdf flat tape version diagram

Tag Line Applications

The Tag Line was originally designed to be used during monitoring well construction, but with a weight that is removable, the Tag Line is also useful for many other applications.

Ideal for measuring:

solinst tag line laser marked pvdf cable version diagram

With the tag weight removed, it can be used for:

  • Safety support for portable pumps
  • Supporting Model 800 Packers during lowering and removal
  • Bailer deployment – Model 428 and 429
  • Discrete Interval Sampler support line (Models 425 and 425-D)
  • Deploying Leveloggers during pumping and slug tests, well profiling with an LTC

You always know the exact depth of the pumps, bailers, packers, or dataloggers, using the conveniently laser marked cable or tape.

solinst laser marked pvdf flat tape

solinst laser marked pvdf cable


solinst tag line diagram showing how to measure well depths during monitoring well constructions

The Tag Line can be used to measure well depths during monitoring well constructions
solinst tag line diagram showing bladder pump and double valve pump deployment

Model 407 Bladder Pump or
Model 408 Double Valve Pump
solinst tag line diagram showing low pressure packer deployment

Model 800
Low Pressure Packer


  solinst tag line diagram showing discrete interval sampler deployment

Model 425
Discrete Interval Sampler
solinst tag line showing levelogger groundwater datalogger deployment

Model 3001



The Tape Guide can only be used as reel support for small Tag Line reels. Medium and Large reels should be placed on the ground.