3.2 AquaVent SDI-12 Installation


See the Vented Dataloggers User Guide for detailed AquaVent installation Instructions.

  1. Be sure that an AquaVent logger is properly connected to the SPX Wellhead using a Vented Cable.
  2. Turn off the power to the SDI-12 master and/or the SDI-12 network.
  3. From the SDI-12 Connector Cable, take the black ground wire and connect it to the master ground terminal; take the white signal wire and connect it to the SDI-12 data signal wire of the master; take the red wire and connect it to the 12 VDC power supply of the master or SDI-12 network.
  4. Be sure the SDI-12 Connector Cable is connected to the SPX Wellhead. (Ensure you have unplugged the USB Connector Cable after programming the AquaVent with Levelogger Software).
  5. Turn on power to the SDI-12 master and/or the SDI-12 network such that power is applied to the SDI-12 Connector Cable. The SPX Wellhead LED should emit the following signals in order:
    • Tricolour spin (3 cycles) to indicate a power-on event.
    • Alternating Yellow/Green for 10 rapid cycles indicate that AquaVent communication has been established, the SDI-12 device address has been set to represent that AquaVent, and the SDI-12 interface is online.
    • Alternating Yellow/Red for 10 rapid cycles means that communication was NOT established, so the SDI-12 interface has been brought online using the default device address of ASCII '0'. (Check the AquaVent logger connections).
  6. The SPX Wellhead and the AquaVent logger are physically and properly hooked up to the SDI-12 master and the SDI-12 network.
solinst aquavent 5 vented water level datalogger sdi12 connection cable

Figure 3-3 AquaVent SDI-12 Installation